Friday, December 13, 2013

Introducing Elizabeth: Our First Reader Supported Kiva Borrower

I am working on a project so it has been a while since I've written here. But I just had to tell you that Moonbeams and Eco-Dreams and its readers have issued their first Kiva loan!

You may recall that this blog is an affiliate. That means any time you access Amazon through one of the banners here and make a purchase I earn a small percentage. One hundred percent of my affiliate profits are donated to Kiva, a non-profit micro-lending organization that makes no-interest business loans to entrepreneurs in the developing world. Since Kiva borrowers lack collateral they are often overlooked by traditional lending institutions. You are lending a hand to hard working people who had no other opportunities.

Here's how it works. Each borrower lists the amount of money he or she needs to raise then individuals from around the world each make $25 donations until the loan is fulfilled. When the loan is repaid I will re-issue our funds to another borrower in a cycle of lending and re-lending that will continue indefinitely. The impact of our initial twenty-five dollars, then, can transform into hundreds of dollars lent across time.

Elizabeth is a single mother of four from Ghana who sells bread and beverages to support her family. She seeks this loan to purchase more inventory in order to increase sales.

To date Moonbeams and Eco-Dreams has earned thirty-five dollars in affiliate profits. Twenty-eight of that went into fulfilling this loan today and its administrative costs. Thank you for your support.

To help fulfill the rest of Elizabeth's loan or to lend to another Kiva borrower join our team page here or create your own.


Kiva in the News:

kiva photo: Kiva logo Kiva_Logo.jpg

Join the next generation of doing good - philanthropy 2.0 - The L.A. Times

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Elderberry Fights Flu and H1N1 - Research Studies

elderberry photo: Elderberry elderberry.jpg

It's that time of year when I start getting my herbal medicine kit ready for winter. One of my perennial favorites is elderberry (sambucol) for its cold and flu fighting properties.

Elderberry has been used in folk medicine for centuries to combat cough and respiratory infections and now its efficacy is affirmed by modern science.

Image credit

Studies suggest it is best to take elderberry with first onset of symptoms, as it shortens the severity and duration of colds and flu. Researchers believe this herb actually inactivates flu viruses and stimulates the immune system (1). There are few known side effects with short term use, which is considered less than five days. (2)

The National Institute of Health Office of Complimentary Medicine acknowledges elderberry's efficacy in studies, but would like more data before recommending this herb as a first line of defense in combating flu. I, however, was convinced by the data I saw and decided to try elderberry during last winter season. Take a look.


1995 Winter;1(4):361-9.
Inhibition of influenza virus strains in vitro and reduction of symptoms by an elderberry extract during an outbreak of influenza B Panama

Elderberry inhibited replication of various influenza virus types during an outbreak in Panama.
This was a placebo-controlled double blind study.
2004 Mar-Apr;32(2):132-40.
Randomized Study of Efficacy and Safety of Oral Elderberry Extract in the Treatment of Influenza A and B- Infections

Randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind study during an influenza season in Norway. In the elderberry group symptoms were relieved an average of four days earlier and they required significantly less rescue medication than the control group.

BMC Complement Altern Med. 2011; 11: 16.
Inhibitory activity of a standard elderberry liquid against clinically relevant human bacterial pathogens and human influenza A and B viruses

Found elderberry liquid extract treatment reduces spread of the virus in cell culture.

Anti-inBiosci Biotechnol Biochem, 76(9):1633-8, 2012
Influenza virus effects of elderberry juice and its fractions

Elderberry stimulated immune response and prevented viral infection in mice.

Altern Med Rev, 10(1):51-4, Mar 2005
Monograph, Sambucus nigra (elderberry)

2009 Jul;70(10):1255-61
Elderberry flavonoids bind to and prevent H1N1 infection in vitro

other Res. 2010 Jan;24(1):1-8. doi: 10.1002/ptr.2729.
A systematic review on the sambuci fructus effect and efficacy profiles.

A comprehensive review of available studies found that elderberry seems to be useful in viral influenza infections. However, the authors would like to see more research done before elderberry is recommended as standard treatment protocol for flu.


My Experience:

I took elderberry with symptom onset and sometimes I ended up not getting sick at all. Two times I took it a few days into a cold and those illness were mild and short. I've never had the flu.


Raw elderberries are toxic and should never be eaten. Only product made from elderberry syrup is safe for consumption. I only buy mine from high quality, reputable suppliers. My favorite brand is Gaia Herbs Organic Elderberry.

Who Should Not Take Elderberry

-People with autoimmune conditions should check with their doctor first, as elderberry can stimulate the immune system.
-Pregnant and nursing women


1 Elderberry Fights Flu Symptoms - Web MD

Elderberry - The University of Maryland

European Elder - National Institute of Health

4 Flu Fighters: Natural Ways To Fight Flu This Winter - Fox News


**This article is for research purposes and is not intended as medical advise.

****This is not a sponsored post. This blog is an affiliate, however. One hundred percent of affiliate profits will be donated to Kiva, a not-for-profit micro-lending organization that makes no interest loans to low income entrepreneurs in the developing world. For more information see the Kiva Campaign banner to the top right of this page.

**This post is linked to Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways.

Tags: Elderberry for cold and flu, Elderberry research, herbs, herbal medicine

Friday, September 27, 2013

Why Antibacterial Soaps Are Risky and Pointless

germs photo: germs germs_zps7e1899d0.jpg
Image Credit

It's that time of year when we look to cold and flu prevention. For decades antibacterial soap has been our first line of defense against germs, but research suggests the risks of these products may outweigh any benefits.


Antibacterial soap contains triclosan, a chemical that alters thyroid and testosterone levels and reproductive hormones. Though research has been conducted mostly on a variety of animals that have similar hormone systems to us, the conclusions are damning. It has been linked to infertility and thyroid problems.


1. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Volume 73, Issue 24, 2010
Maternal Exposure To Triclosan Impairs Thyroid Homeostasis and Female Pubertal Developmental In Female Wistar Rat Offspring

"Data indicate that triclosan impairs thyroid homeostasis and reproductive toxicity in adult rats and produces fetal toxicity in offspring exposed in utero, during lactation, and after weaning."

2. Toxicological Sciences, Accepted October 15, 2008.
The Effects of Triclosan on Puberty and Thyroid Hormones in Male Wistar Rats

Talks about how triclosan has been found to alter hormones in a variety of species. Studied the effect triclosan on thyroid and puberty development in the Wistar Rat. Serum testosterone and T3 and T4 levels (thyroid hormones) were significantly decreased with triclosan exposure. Conclusion: triclosan significantly affects the thyroid of the Wistar Rat, but has no impact on early puberty.

3. List of studies on PubMed concerning triclosan and thyroid. Too many to put here.


Research shows that washing hands with antibacterial soap is no more effective at removing germs than cleaning with plain soap and water.


2007 Sep 1;45 Suppl 2:S137-47.
Consumer Antibacterial Soaps: Effective or Just Risky?

This review of existing scientific literature found antibacterial soap no more effective at preventing illness and reducing bacterial levels on hands than plain soap and water. It suggests that bacteria may adapt to antibacterial soaps, becoming more difficult to combat with medication. Twenty-seven studies were reviewed.

2004 Mar 2;140(5):321-9
Effect of antibacterial home cleaning and hand washing products on disease symptoms: a randomized, double blind trial

Concludes that tested products did not reduce incidence of disease.

The American Medical Association and Physicians for Social Responsibility now caution against the use of anti-bacterial soaps. Why are these products still used in doctors offices and hospitals?

Products That Contain Triclosan

The Environmental Working Group has compiled an extensive list of products and brands that contain triclosan. You will be astounded at how many every day products contain it.

My Thoughts

Yet another example of corporations and government regulators exposing us to chemicals without adequate safety testing. We tend to assume if it is on the shelf that means it has been vetted. In many cases that simply does not happen. It is a policy of innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately this can mean decades of exposure before we fully understand how these chemicals have harmed us.

I use Dr. Bronner's Castille Soap in reused foaming soap dispensers. I fill it half with Dr. Bronner's and half with water. It foams quite a bit.  A safe alternative to the toxic stuff and cuts my soap cost in half. A little Pinterest trick.


2000 Annual Meeting of the American Medical Association - Use of Antimicrobals in Consumer Products

Antibacterial Soap May Not Work - BBC News

Plain Soap as Good as Antibacterial - Web MD

Does Antibacterial Soap Increase The Risk Of Infertility - MSN News

Popular Antibacterial Soap Draws FDA Scrutiny - ABC News

New Health Concerns Over Lipstick, Antibacterial Soap - Fox News Insider

Microbiologists Find Soap and Water Best For Washing Hands, Removing Germs - Science Daily

***This post is linked to Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways.

Tags: toxic chemicals in every day products, triclosan, antibacterial soap,

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Terracycle: Funding Your Favorite Non-Profit Organization With Garbage

Once I dreamt I was on a spaceship with people who looked human but were not human. We eventually landed on a planet that looked like earth but was not earth. Its trees and grasses were purple and blue rather than our many shades of green. They took me inside a house that looked similar to what we have here except that there was no waste. Everything, even the garbage, fed into something else that helped run the home. The place was a highly efficient feedback loop.

Around that time I found Terracycle. My son attends a school for children with learning differences. Like any school we are always trying to raise money to cover costs, so I signed us up for this upcycling program.

terracycle photo:  terr-1.jpg
It works like this: Terracycle takes items not typically recyclable, like chips bags and energy bar wrappers, and turns them into things that do not get thrown away, like picnic tables and park benches. Your organization gets paid one or two cents per item depending on shipment size. It really adds up. And, it teaches the children important lessons about environmental stewardship. Some parents tell me how the program has changed the way their children see garbage. They will not allow anything to be thrown away at home now that can become something else.

So basically, this pile of thousands of potato chip bags,

 and these stacks of a gazillion energy bar wrappers and Capri Sun pouches

will become stuff like this,

or this,


or this.

 And when the backpack wears out it can be sent to Terracycle to be turned into something else.

There are many items that can be collected, but we choose to focus on those not accepted by local recycling banks:

Salty snack bags (ie. potato chips, pretzels, etc.)
Children's drink pouches (Capri Sun, Honest Kids, etc.)
Energy bar wrappers and cereal bar wrappers
Cheese packaging (any, including singles)
Pens, markers, and Sharpies
Candy bar wrappers
Diaper packaging and baby wipes packaging (soft)

Special thanks to Unity of East Louisville, St. Matthews Area Community Ministries, and my family  in Kentucky and Georgia for collecting items for us. If your Louisville, Kentucky based family or organization would like to save items for the school please contact me at moonbeams_and_ecodreams at yahoo dot com.

We have been collecting for a while now. By Christmas the school should receive a check for around three hundred dollars.

As I was packing boxes of Terracycle for shipment one day it hit me - this is like in my dream. A feedback loop without waste, where one thing feeds into another. Hmmh.  How about that?




Terracycle products

Terracycle In The News:

Terracycle Wins Green Innovator Award -

Terracycle on Good Morning America and Oprah


This post is linked with Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways.

Tags: Eco Friendly Louisville, Green Living, Terracycle, Upcycling

Sunday, September 15, 2013

How I Beat Severe Insomnia (Part III): EcoTools Sleep Mask

This is part three of my How I Beat Severe Insomnia series. Part one discussed how I reset my circadian rhythms with light box treatments in the morning and blue blocker glasses after seven p.m. This system retrains my brain to produce sleep hormones at night instead of during the day. Part two details how a custom made hypnotherapy MP3 helps me fall asleep at night or fall back asleep if I wake up and have difficulty drifting off again. And, part three focuses on how my overall sleep quality improved by wearing sleep mask.

Our brains require complete darkness to sleep optimally and research reveals that light pollution disrupts this process. In fact, ambient light floods into our bedroom windows from streetlights, passing cars, our neighbors' floodlights, and even the full moon, disrupting sleep patterns by making our brains think it is morning. Items alight inside the room, such as LED lights from alarm clocks and televisions, trigger this problem as well. Not good.

Some people are more sensitive to this than others. Unfortunately, I am one of them.

For decades I had severe sleep problems. Jolts of adrenaline repeatedly woke me out of nowhere. Then what felt like electrical disturbances coursed through my head. I wondered if I had apnea or seizures or both. I'd already experienced major sleep benefits by reducing my light exposure after 7:00 p.m. by wearing blue blocker glasses, so I decided to do something about this ambient light exposure during sleep too.

I purchased an EcoTools sleep mask at my local health food store for $3.99, though the price appears to have increased since then.


EcoTools is actress Alicia Silverstone's eco-friendly, sustainable body care company.  I like the environmental vision of EcoTools and that they donate money to causes. The product is made in China, so I can't say where this business stands on ethical treatment of workers. Made in China doesn't always mean with exploited labor, though it can. It depends on the corporation. Alicia's social conscience concerning environmental causes and animal welfare is stellar, so I would hope she extends that kindness to human beings she employs. I took this one on faith.


The product is made of bamboo, so unlike satin masks this one can go in the washing machine. The elastic is sturdy and the eye pillow feels like soft terry cloth. It does not easily slide down the face during sleep like cheaply made sleep masks.

From the first night I used this mask the adrenaline rushes and abnormal electrical activity in my head during sleep ceased. I was stunned. Could subtle light exposure during sleep really trigger adrenaline rushes and haywire electrical activity in the brain? Then four days later I misplaced the mask and had to do without it for a few nights. Sure enough the problem returned with a vengeance. I bought a second mask and the activity stopped again, never to return. I now keep two EcoTools sleep masks on my night table in case one gets misplaced.

Dr. Terman's Take On Sleep Masks

My sleep guru, Dr. Terman of Columbia University Hospital's sleep clinic and author of Chronotherapy: Resetting Your Inner Clock to Boost Mood, Alertness, and Quality Sleep, does not recommend sleep masks or black out curtains. Though he acknowledges the deleterious effects of light pollution during sleep, in his book Dr. Terman expresses concern that these interventions will block exposure to the light of true dawn, which is crucial to circadian rhythm regulation. But I tend to instinctively whip this mask off my face at around 5:00 a.m. anyhow, so I still experience dawn's first light piercing through my blinds like everyone else. Sometimes I just have to go with what works even when it is not recommended by the experts.

Other Post In This Series:

How I Beat Severe Insomnia With A Light Box and Blue-Blocker Glasses

How I Beat Severe Insomnia: Hypnosis


Circadian rhythms are powerful, but people can change their sleep-wake cycles - The Washington Post

Prevent Light Pollution - Florida Atlantic University

Free app adjusts color on monitors to prevent disruption of sleep cycle - The Washington Post

Environ Health Perspect. 2009 January; 117(1): A20–A27.
Missing the Dark: Health Effects of Light Pollution


This post is linked with Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways. 

*This is not a sponsored post. This blog is an affiliate, though. All affiliate profits earned will be donated to Kiva, a not-for-profit micro-lending organization that makes no interest business loans to low income entrepreneurs in the developing world.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Some Essential Oils Inhibit MRSA, Influenza, & Strep - Scientific Studies

essential oils photo: Essential oils essential-oil.jpg

Photo Credit: Photobucket

My workplace strives to become Louisville's first green pre-school. Since this is right up my alley our director has invited me to do some of the legwork.

My first project was to register us with Terracycle, a non-profit organization that turns typically discarded packaging, like salty snack bags and energy bar wrappers, into stuff that does not get thrown away, like picnic tables and park benches. And, since preschools are perpetual germ factories now I'm researching the anti-microbial properties of essential oils (for diffusion). Next I will raise funds for a steam vacuum so the babies don't have to crawl on floors cleaned with harsh chemicals.

I've learned that some essential oils have actually been studied for their anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Here is a sample of the many studies available on Pub Med.

essential oils photo: Lemon_a lemons.jpg


In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oils against Streptococcus pyogenes.

This study used a disc infusion method to test the in vitro anti-bacterial aspects of eighteen different essential oils against streptococcus pyogenes, a bacteria that causes strep throat. Fourteen of the oils demonstrated anti-bacterial action against Streptococcus pyogenes. These include, among others: cinnamon, lemongrass, thyme, oregano, and winter savory. This study suggests that these oils might be helpful to patients suffering from bacterial throat infections.

2012 Jan 1;13(1):71-4.
Antimicrobial activity of commercially available essential oils against Streptococcus mutans.

This study tested the in vitro effectiveness of nine essential oils against Streptococcus mutans. Cinnamon oil was most effective against Streptococcus mutans followed by lemongrass oil, cedarwood oil, clove oil, and eucalyptus oil. Wintergreen oil, lime oil, peppermint oil and spearmint oil had no antibacterial effectiveness. The authors suggest the useful oils as a possible alternative to other antibacterial agents for treating oral infections.

 J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 47 (5): 565-573.                                    
Antibacterial activity of essential oils and their major constituents against respiratory tract pathogens by gaseous contact

The anti-bacterial effectiveness of fourteen essential oils in their vaporized states was examined against Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus. All of the oils showed activity, but cinammon, lemongrass, and thyme (wild and red) were the most impressive, suppressing all of these and e coli too (except lemongrass), which was used as a control. They hyper-link above leads to the complete study.  

2012 Jun 28;12:81.l
Chemical composition of 8 eucalyptus species' essential oils and the evaluation of their antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activities.
Studied the anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral activities in eight eucalyptus species. E. bicostata had the best anti-viral activity. " E. odorata showed the strongest activity against S. aureus, H. influenzae, S. agalactiae, S. pyogenes, S. pneumoniae and against all the tested fungal strains."

Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oils against Streptococcus mutans and their Antiproliferative Effects
"EO showed activity at low concentrations, and their selected active fractions were also effective against biofilm formed by S. mutans and human tumor cell lines." This abstract does not say which oils were tested.

2011 Nov-Dec;76(9):H226-30
Essential oil of Curcuma longa inhibits Streptococcus mutans biofilm formation.
Found turmeric oil inhibits carcinogenic properties of strep mutans.

2011 Nov 21;16(11):9651-64
Biological activity of carbazole alkaloids and essential oil of Murraya koenigii against antibiotic resistant microbes and cancer cell lines.
Found curry oil inhibits anti-biotic resistant strains of  Staphylococcus aureus (210P JTU), Psedomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 25619), Klebsiella pneumonia (SR1-TU), Escherchia coli (NI23 JTU) and Streptococcus pneumonia. Also found that the oil exhibits anti-tumor properties against certain cell lines.

flu photo: The Flu Flu.jpg


2012 Jan 31;139(2):668-71
Chemical compositions and anti-influenza activities of essential oils from Mosla dianthera.

Mosla Dianthera oil reduced lung titers in influenza infected mice. It also inhibited pneumonia, reduced levels of serum IFN-γ and IL-4, and enhanced antioxidant activity in the lung tissue of the infected mice.

2011 Jan;89(1):83-8
Activity of Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil on Influenza virus A/PR/8: study on the mechanism of action.

Found tea tree oil effective at inhibiting influenza H1N1 in MDCK cells within the first two hours of exposure to the virus. This suggests that exposure to the oil inhibits an early step replication process of the virus. Exposure to the oil during later stages of infection had no effect.

2010 Nov 15;10:69
Protective essential oil attenuates influenza virus infection: an in vitro study in MDCK cells.

Found that the commercially available essential oil blend On Guard suppressed influenza virus PR8 in MDCK cells in a dose dependent manner. Abstract goes into exactly how and why.

2009 Dec;49(6):806-8
In vitro antiviral activity of Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) essential oil.

Tea tree oil shows antiviral activity against influenza A/PR/8 virus subtype H1N1.

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2009 Apr;48(4):387-92.
***Vapour-phase activities of essential oils against antibiotic sensitive and resistant bacteria including MRSA***
Diffused a mix of geranium and Lemongrass called BioScent in a ST Pro Machine. The oils were tested against antibiotic resistant and antibiotic sensitive strains like MRSA. They not only inhibited the growth of these bacteria, but reduced surface and airborne levels. However, results varied depending on method (89% & 39%). The authors conclude that BioScent may be useful as an air disinfectant.

2005 Mar;10(3):123-6
Is tea tree oil effective at eradicating MRSA colonization? A review.

This is a review of other studies on the topic. It concludes that tea tree would not be useful against MRSA.

2009 Oct;37(7):392-7.
The battle against multi-resistant strains: Renaissance of antimicrobial essential oils as a promising force to fight hospital-acquired infections.
Eucalyptus, Tea tree, Thyme white, Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass, Cinnamon, Grapefruit,Clove Bud, Sandalwood, Peppermint, Kunzea and Sage oil were tested against staph. Thyme white, Lemon, Lemongrass and Cinnamon oil were most effective, but the other oils also demonstrated efficacy. The authors conclude that essential oils represent inexpensive and effective topical treatments for resistant MRSA and candida strains.

2012 Nov;113(5):1217-27.
The anti-biofilm activity of lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) and grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) essential oils against five strains of Staphylococcus aureus
Used disc diffusion method. Tested lemongrass, grapefruit, bergamot and lime against staph. Found  lemongrass had the most antimicrobial and anti-biofilm activity.

2012 May;112(5):1020-33.
Antimicrobial effect and mode of action of terpeneless cold-pressed Valencia orange essential oil on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

2011 Dec;17(6):399-402.
Antibacterial activities of essential oils from eight Greek aromatic plants against clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus.

The abstract does not say which oils were tested, only that they were from Greece. It does say that the oils tested showed not efficacy against staph.

2009 Nov;75(21):6850-5.
Effect of cinnamon oil on icaA expression and biofilm formation by Staphylococcus epidermidis.

Found cinnamon oil is an effective antimicrobial agent against staph biofilms on surfaces.



I'm not sure how to apply these results in the real world. Most of these studies were conducted in vitro, but would those results hold up outside a test tube?  The few studies that diffused oils into the air suggest that they might. But they used industrial style diffusers. Can I get decent results with inexpensive ones bought online for twenty bucks a piece? Hard to say.

I do know that a growing number of hospitals and nursing homes are diffusing essential oils for various purposes to positive effect, so why not schools?

Hospitals Using Alternative Medicine to Ease Kids' Pain - NBC Washington

Essential Oils 'Combat Super Bug' - BBC News

Vanderbilt Hospital ER Diffuses Essential Oils - Fox News

We are not looking to treat the children for anything, though. We just want to kill big bad germs in the air and on surfaces, like we currently do with Lysol spray or Clorox Wipes. And, if this happens to obliterate the dirty diaper stink too, well hey, that's just an added bonus.


Though essential oils are generally recognized as safe, not all oils are good for all people and some oils have more cautions than others. For instance, Rosemary is contraindicated for pregnancy and epilepsy, but the citrus oils have few cautions. Therefore, I wasn't the least bit surprised when the above Fox News clip said Vanderbilt Hospital ER uses a citrus blend. That would be the safest choice for the greatest number of people. I want to choose the safest oils for my work setting as well.

It is strep and influenza we see most in daycares. It looks like cinnamon and lemongrass are the most effective at inhibiting strep, followed by eucalyptus, thyme, and oregano. Tea tree appears to be the super star against influenza. So, let's take a look at the safety profiles of these oils.

Cinnamon: The manual "Essential Oils Safety", by Robert Tisserland lists several health conditions that should avoid exposure, so that rules out routine diffusion. We could still probably use it in the steam vacuum, though.

Lemongrass: Tisserland says to avoid in children. That's out. Bummer.

Eucalyptus, thyme, and oregano: The only cautions these three carry that could concern children is as a possible skin and mucous membrane irritant (Tisserland), but they would never come in direct contact with the oils.

Tea Tree: No major concerns beyond the usual skin irritation with direct contact (Tisserland).


Eucalyptus and Tea Tree on account of their positive safety profiles and pleasant aromas.

I hope you didn't get too lost among all that research. I know I did.


Related Posts:

Can Vetiver Help ADHD & Autism?

Rosemary Essential Oil Improves Memory: Emerging Scientific Evidence


This post is linked to Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways.

Tags: Essential Oils and flu, Aromatherapy and flu, strep, and MRSA, studies

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Why Melatonin Supplements Don't Always Work & What Researchers Are Doing About It

insomnia photo: Insomnia insomnia.gif

Melatonin is one of the most popular supplements on the market today. It is commonly used to combat insomnia, but does it work?

Well.....yes and no.

Some pop a melatonin and it's lights out until morning. Others take it to little benefit - instead of waking up rested they feel groggy and anxious (me!).

How can this be?

In his book, "Chronotherapy: Resetting Your Inner Clock to Boost Mood, Alertness, and Quality Sleep", Michael Terman of Columbia University Medical Center casts light on the melatonin debate. He says standard melatonin pills are dosed to amounts way higher than the pineal gland would ever squirt out naturally. This dumps too much of the hormone into the system, which does not always clear the bloodstream by morning, hence the grogginess. Perhaps those who wake up feeling rested after taking high dose melatonin metabolize that hormone more quickly than the rest of us?

Should melatonin supplements be avoided altogether, then?

Not necessarily.

Apparently with melatonin less is more. Dr. Alfred Lewy, of Oregon Health & Science University, found that micro-doses of melatonin (0.1 milligram), taken six hours before sleep shifts the circadian clock sooner, prompting earlier sleep times. Problem is there are presently no 0.1 milligram tablets available for clinical use. And, breaking higher dose tablets into bits won't do since the micro-dose variety used in recent studies are controlled release.  But don't despair my sleep deprived friends; Dr. Terman has your backs. His lab is working on an over-the-counter, time released, micro-dose melatonin supplement. They've found their product-in-development releases the same amount of the hormone into the bloodstream as would be found in healthy adults. Plus, testing reveals it washes out by morning.

I can't wait to try this product. I have Delayed Phase Sleep Disorder and have improved my sleep by about 85% using a light box and blue blocker glasses. However, I'm always looking to knock out that last fifteen percent. On his website Dr. Terman has an email alert sign up page for when this micro-dose, controlled release melatonin becomes available (here). You better believe I'm on it!


Lewy, AJ

2006 Aug;36(6):741-52.
An open-label study of controlled-release melatonin in treatment of sleep disorders in children with autism


Is Melatonin Sabotaging Your Sleep? - Dr. Oz

Melatonin: Not a Magic Bullet for Sleep - Dr. Oz

Debate Aside; Melatonin Can Reset the Body Clock - NY Times

My Related Posts:

How I Beat Severe Insomnia a With Light Box and Blue Blocker Glasses

How I Beat Severe Insomnia (Part II): Hypnosis


**This is not a sponsored post. I do not know either researcher mentioned in this post. This blog is an affiliate, however. All affiliate profits will be donated to Kiva, a not-for-profit micro-lending organization that makes no-interest business loans to low-income entrepreneurs in the developing world.

***This post reflects my interest in sleep related issues and is not intended as medical advice.


This post is linked with Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways.

Tags: Chronotherapy, Insomnia, micro-dose controlled release Melatonin

Friday, August 23, 2013

Can Mozart Reduce Seizures in Children? These Studies Say Yes!

classical music photo: AD classical banner classical-music.jpg

One day I turned on the classical music station in the car and saw my son completely relax. This was unexpected. I never liked classical music so this was his first exposure. I'd only ever seen him that calm once - when he was on an exceptionally high, but unsustainable dose of seizure medications during a prescription change.

Petite mal seizures ping around my son's brain all day long. Though medication keeps him functional, it only partially controls his epileptic activity. Since we can't safely dose much higher I often search for additional options to reduce those breakthrough seizures.

That got me wondering if the effects of classical music on seizures have been studied?

Turns out they have.


classical music photo: mozart untitled.jpg

The Mozart Effect on Epileptiform Activity
1998 Jul;29(3):109-19

Twenty-three of twenty-nine subjects had decreased epileptiform activity, including patients in a coma. The intensity of seizures also decreased.

2011 Aug;21(4):420-4.

Previous studies had shown reduced seizure activity during and immediately after listening to Mozart K.448. This study exposed children to 8 minutes of k.448 before bed for six months. Epileptic discharges significantly reduced progressively after 1, 2, and 6 months. All patients except those with occipital discharges benefited.
2011 Mar;20(3):490-3.

Eight of eleven patients were seizure free or had very positive outcomes. 
2013 Aug;124(8):1528-35.
This recently published study confirmed the outcomes in previous studies: listening to Mozart decreased seizures in children. This one, however, looked at why. It detected an increase in parasympathetic tone during the music exposure. The authors suggest that Mozart stimulated parasympathetic activation, which may have been involved in the effect the music has in reducing seizures and their occurrence rates.  


Mozart k.448 attenuates spontaneous absence seizure and related high voltage rhythmic spike discharges in Long Evans rats.
2013 May;104(3):234-40.

Showed that seizure reduction with k.448 also happens in rats.


Mozart k.545 mimics k.448 in reducing epileptic discharges in epileptic children

This study of thirty-nine children looked at if another Mozart piece, k.545, could have similar seizure reduction capacity as k.448. It does. This study suggest that other music with lower harmonics might decrease seizures in children.


Mozart k.448 and epileptiform discharges: effect of ration from lower to higher harmonics
2010 May;89(2-3):238-45

Another study showing k.448 reduces seizures in some children. Researchers postulate that minimizing high frequency harmonics is good for epileptic children.


My son's breakthrough seizures manifest as hyper-activity, impulsiveness, and occasional aggression. When those tell-tale symptoms arise I play k.448 and k.545 and it seems to help. I've even put them on his Ipad to listen to in the sensory room at school when disrupted by seizures. But I have yet to commit to a six month regimen of having him listen for eight minutes or more before bed. That's coming soon. I'll keep you posted.


Mozart Can Cut Epilepsy - BBC News

This post is linked with Frugally Sustainable.

tags: epilepsy and Mozart, seizures and Mozart, Mozart reduces seizures in children, studies

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Rosemary Essential Oil Improves Memory - Emerging Scientific Evidence

rosemary photo: rosemary rosemary.jpg

It had been a difficult week. All I wanted was some time alone to clear my head, but I couldn't have it. I was scheduled to the hilt for the next few days and stressed about that, too. Then I had this feeling that I should smell my soap. Seemed like a rather dumb idea, but I did it anyhow. In an instant my entire perspective shifted. I felt upbeat, calm, and refreshed.

It was a new soap. Peppermint rosemary from Peace of the Earth in Louisville. I had  considered exploring essential oils since my son became obsessed with smelling spices, so a few days later I stopped by the Aura Cacia display at Whole Foods. I inhaled deeply from the sample bottle of rosemary and my mind instantly felt more alert and focused, even more so than from smelling the soap.

But this is ridiculous, I thought, a mere scent can't do that. Or can it?

For centuries folk traditions have claimed that rosemary enhances memory.  Ophelia says in Hamlet: "There's rosemary, that's for remembrance, pray you, love, remember." And, an acquaintance has a 19th century family heirloom quilt with the likeness of a rosemary plant stitched into it above the caption, "Rosemary: for memory".  Now modern science validates our ancestors' claims about this
essential oil.


rosemary photo: Rosemary rosemary.jpg

I 2003 Jan;113(1):15-38.
Aromas of rosemary and lavender essential oils differentially affect cognition and mood in healthy adults

This study looked at the effect of lavender and rosemary essential oil on cognition and mood. The rosemary group had significant improvement in overall memory qualities and secondary memory factors, but produced an impairment in speed of memory compared to controls. The rosemary group was also significantly more alert and content than the control group. Conclusion: "These findings indicate that the olfactory properties of these essential oils can produce objective effects on cognitive performance, as well as subjective effects on mood."


2009 Dec;9(4):173-9.
Effects of inhaled rosemary oil on subjective feelings and activities of the nervous system

This study found that after inhalation test subjects became more active and said they felt "fresher". EEG results showed a reduction of alpha 1 and 2 brain waves and an increase in beta waves in the anterior portion of the brain. Conclusion: "These results confirm the stimulatory effects of rosemary oil and provide supporting evidence that brain wave activity, autonomic nervous system activity, as well as mood states are all affected by the inhalation of the rosemary oil."

2007 Feb 28;150(1):89-96. Epub 2007 Feb 7.
Smelling lavender and rosemary increases free radical scavenging activity and decreases cortisol level in saliva

Free radicals are connection to inflammation, aging, and carcinogenesis. This study found that after five minutes of inhalation test subjects had a marked decrease in cortisol, a stress marker, in their saliva. Conclusion: "These findings clarify that lavender and rosemary enhance FRSA and decrease the stress hormone, cortisol, which protects the body from oxidative stress."


Psychogeriatrics. 2009 Dec;9(4):173-
Effect of aromatherapy on patients with Alzheimer's Disease

"RESULTS: All patients showed significant improvement in personal orientation related to cognitive function on both the GBSS-J and TDAS after therapy. In particular, patients with AD showed significant improvement in total TDAS scores. Result of routine laboratory tests showed no significant changes, suggesting that there were no side-effects associated with the use of aromatherapy. Results from Zarit's score showed no significant changes, suggesting that caregivers had no effect on the improved patient scores seen in the other tests."
"In conclusion, we found aromatherapy an efficacious non-pharmacological therapy for dementia. Aromatherapy may have some potential for improving cognitive function, especially in AD patients."

2009 Mar-Apr;23(2):88-93.
The effects of lavender and rosemary essential oils on test-taking anxiety among graduate nursing students 

Conclusion: "In this study, the use of lavender and rosemary essential oil sachets reduced test-taking stress in graduate nursing students as evidenced by lower scores on test anxiety measure, personal statements, and pulse rates."


How I Use Rosemary Essential Oil:
rosemary photo: rosemary rosemary.jpg
Right now I just sniff it from the bottle in the morning before work. It can also be diffused into a room or applied to the body with a carrier oil. This blog tells my essential oil stories, links you to the science, then directs you to people more qualified to explain how to safely use them. I prefer information by Licensed Clinical Aromatherapists to advice from companies selling product. These people are highly trained in safe and effective essential oil use and there is no substitute for that. My favorite sites by Licensed Clinical Aromatherapists are:

Robert Tisserand (Great for the chemistry of essential oils)

The Barefoot Dragonfly

Kokokahn (Great for recipes)

Aromaweb (A perfect warehouse of useful essential oil information)


PS: Rosemary essential oil shows some scientific efficacy for arthritis, but that's another post. Stay tuned.


Rosemary essential oil cautions (Source: Aromaweb)

***Rosemary essential oil should be avoided with pregnancy, epilepsy and hypertension.***

***The Alliance of International Aromatherapists does not recommend internal use of essential oils unless under supervision of an appropriately trained health care professional. I turn and run from any company that recommends internal use of their product. This is serious.


Aromaweb's suggestions for do-it-yourself memory and concentration recipe blends.


University of Maryland Medical Center's review of rosemary essential oil.

Smell of Rosemary May Improve Memory - The UK Independent

Integrative Medicine: Hopes Developing for Alzheimer's Treatment (Meditation & Rosemary Essential Oil study) - The Sacramento Bee


Related Post:

Can Vetiver Essential Oil Help Autism and ADHD?

Some Essential Oils Inhibit MRSA, Strep, and Influenza: Scientific Studies


"For there is no greater influence in a physical body than the effect of odors upon the olfactory nerves." Edgar Cayce - Reading #274-7

This post shares information to inspire your own research, but is not intended as medical advice. It is linked with Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways.

Tags: Rosemary essential oil and memory, focus, concentration, mood
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