Friday, December 13, 2013

Introducing Elizabeth: Our First Reader Supported Kiva Borrower

I am working on a project so it has been a while since I've written here. But I just had to tell you that Moonbeams and Eco-Dreams and its readers have issued their first Kiva loan!

You may recall that this blog is an affiliate. That means any time you access Amazon through one of the banners here and make a purchase I earn a small percentage. One hundred percent of my affiliate profits are donated to Kiva, a non-profit micro-lending organization that makes no-interest business loans to entrepreneurs in the developing world. Since Kiva borrowers lack collateral they are often overlooked by traditional lending institutions. You are lending a hand to hard working people who had no other opportunities.

Here's how it works. Each borrower lists the amount of money he or she needs to raise then individuals from around the world each make $25 donations until the loan is fulfilled. When the loan is repaid I will re-issue our funds to another borrower in a cycle of lending and re-lending that will continue indefinitely. The impact of our initial twenty-five dollars, then, can transform into hundreds of dollars lent across time.

Elizabeth is a single mother of four from Ghana who sells bread and beverages to support her family. She seeks this loan to purchase more inventory in order to increase sales.

To date Moonbeams and Eco-Dreams has earned thirty-five dollars in affiliate profits. Twenty-eight of that went into fulfilling this loan today and its administrative costs. Thank you for your support.

To help fulfill the rest of Elizabeth's loan or to lend to another Kiva borrower join our team page here or create your own.


Kiva in the News:

kiva photo: Kiva logo Kiva_Logo.jpg

Join the next generation of doing good - philanthropy 2.0 - The L.A. Times

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