Thursday, October 9, 2014

Four New Kiva Borrowers

Ushindi Group

Ushindi Group - Uganda

I have gotten behind in listing the exciting new Kiva loans that have been partially funded by readers of this blog so here is the report.

In the last several months some of our previous loans to entrepreneurs in the developing world have been paid back. That plus affiliate profits earned through have enabled me to lend to four additional borrowers.

Photographed above is the Ushindi Group of Uganda. They are a group of entrepreneurs who pool  resources together to help fund their various enterprises. One of its members is Mary-Anne. She sells used shoes and seeks the loan to expand her business so she can feed her daughter and send her to school. She is grateful for this opportunity to receive this loan despite lack of collateral.

Nadiegueton 2 Group

Nadiegueton Group

This is a group of farmers from Mali. They will use the loan to buy seeds and pay farm costs.

Basher Mosa Group

Basher Mosha Group - Yemen

One of the members, Aisha, sells women's clothing and accessories door to door. The loan will help Aisha increase her inventory.


Igball - Kosovo

Igball took out a prior loan from Kiva, which has been repaid, to purchase a cow for milk sales. That improved her living standards so she seeks this second loan to purchase another cow for the growth of her business.

Thanks to my readers for helping fund these microloans. You have made a difference in the lives of people in the developing world. To participate in future loans simply use access through banners on this website for your purchases at no extra cost to you. One hundred percent of affiliate profits earned to this website get issued to Kiva loans. When those are repaid the money continues circulation  in new loans, making Moonbeams and Eco-Dreams sort of a mini micro-lending foundation.

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